createdb -- create the needed sql database for storing trend-tracker data
# createdb -c trend-tracker.config
The createdb is used to create a database table for storing the collected data in. It will create a table, named based on the .config file or the command line -t flag, with the following columns:
- cgipid int - timestamp int - remoteaddress varchar(2096) - KEY varchar(2096) - PARAMETER1 varchar(2096) - PARAMETER2 varchar(2096) - ... varchar(2096)
The trend-tracker.cgi script will then store the data into this table when it runs to collect data, and the trend-analysis script will read and interpret the results.
Config file to read
Database table name
trend-tracker.cgi(1), trend-analysis(1)
Wes Hardaker <opensource AT hardakers DOT net>
Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Wes Hardaker
All rights reserved. This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.