The rfcfind tool (a perl script; sorry) helps you search through the RFCs for information on things you're looking for and display them, grep them, etc.
Eventually it may:
Example Usage
# rfcfind --sync-rfcs [snip] # rfcfind -r avian rfcfind -r avian 1149 Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams on avian carriers. D. Waitzman. April 1 1990. (Format: TXT=3329 bytes) (Updated by RFC2549) (Status: EXPERIMENTAL) 2549 IP over Avian Carriers with Quality of Service. D. Waitzman. April 1 1999. (Format: TXT=9519 bytes) (Updates RFC1149) (Status: INFORMATIONAL) found: 2 # rfcfind -n 3514 3514 The Security Flag in the IPv4 Header. S. Bellovin. April 1 2003. (Format: TXT=11211 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL) found: 1